Executive Health Screening

Preventive medicine made precise for you

Stay ahead of potential medical conditions by screening early before symptoms present. Insure yourself for better health outcomes through our comprehensive packages conducted at screening centres located across Singapore.

Real time booking with instant confirmation means faster access. Inhouse X-rays. ultrasounds, mammogram and treadmill means greater convenience. Next day blood test results with video consultation follow up is important for us and for you. We take the pain out of cancer screening, cardiac health assessment, breast screening and genetic testing.

At Minmed, we work harder for you.

The Minmed Advantage


A report you understand

Your health result comes to you in an easy to read manner, and will speak to you as though it is our doctor who is doing the sharing

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Time is precious

An online appointment system, pre-visit registration and payment, paperless on premise workflow means you save time

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Follow up is everything

Complimentary post screening video consultation, specialist referrals, follow up test or vaccinations, next year reminders are all part of the package

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Support goes beyond

Our corporate account teams will liaise with yours for priority booking, invoicing and follow up if you are attending as a B2B client

Do I need to fast for health screening?

You can now skip your fasting routine and opt for a slot anytime of the day.

Non-Fasting tests are just as accurate, and studies have shown no significant differences between fasted and non-fasted blood cholesterol. Diabetes screening is done using the HbA1c test.

Non-Fasting option is however not suitable for individuals with anemia, as well as those considering abdominal ultrasound tests as fasting is still required.

Other Health Screening services

Executive Health Screening with radiology options at Paragon, Jewel, Jurong and Woodlands. More >>

Clinic Health Screening at Minmed Clinics islandwide, walk-in or on appointment. More >>

Homebased Health Screening for you and your family at your preferred address. More >>

Corporate Health Screening at your office for better workplace wellness. More >>

Screen for Life (SFL) national screening programme at $5 or less for eligible Singaporeans. More >>


Frequently Asked Questions

Executive Health Screening

Minmed Health Screeners is an executive health screener in Singapore providing Executive Health Screening at Paragon, on an appointment basis.

Our operating hours are:

Mon-Fri: 8:30am to 5pm

Sat: 8:30am to 1pm

Closed on Sun & PH

Telegram (http://t.me/minmedgroup)

Please note that medical check up and post health screening follow-up at our executive health screening centre, Minmed Health Screeners, is on an appointment basis and you may email ask@minmed.sg for further arrangements.

You may refer to directions on how to get to our executive health screening centre, Minmed Health Screeners here.

On arrival at Paragon Shopping Centre, please head to the lift lobby at Tower 1 – Lobby F to access level 16.

If you are driving, you will have to take the elevator to ground level, then walk over Tower 1 – Lobby F.

If you are travelling by MRT, the nearest station is Orchard or Somerset.

Appointments for full media check up in Singapore can be made here.

If you are making your medical check up appointment as part of your corporate executive health screening, please refer to the respective links given to you through your HR and/or Wellness committee.

You may email ask@minmed.sg for further arrangements.

You are advised to conduct your medical check up 2 weeks after any vaccination.
If you have recently received the COVID-19 vaccination, you are advised to schedule your mammogram or breast ultrasound appointment at least 6 weeks after receiving the vaccination.

You do not have to delay your health screening check up because of a recent infection.

Blood tests: Some inflammatory markers may be elevated after an infection and the results can be read in the context of a recent infection. Complications from a COVID-19 infection may also be detected and should be followed up. High sensitivity CRP for cardiac risk stratification would not be suitable for those who have had COVID-19 in the last 1 month.

Chest X-ray: May show infective changes when done after a recent COVID-19 infection and abnormalities should be followed up.

Pap Smear: Not necessary to wait

Mammogram / Breast Ultrasound : Not necessary to wait

You do not have to delay your health screening because of a recent COVID-19 vaccination.

Blood tests: Some inflammatory markers may be elevated after a vaccination and the results can be read in the context of a recent vaccination. High sensitivity CRP for cardiac risk stratification would not be suitable for those who have had vaccinations in the past 2 weeks.

Chest X-ray: Not neccessary to wait

Pap Smear: Not neccessary to wait

Mammogram / Breast Ultrasound : You may still go for the tests without waiting but there might be occurrence of enlarged lymph nodes due to a recent vaccination and the findings can be read in the context of a recent vaccination.


Recommended health screening guidelines are available here. You are encouraged to refer to this list when making your selection.

Pre-screening consultation with our doctors is available here. This is extended on a complimentary basis, even if you do not decide to go for health screening thereafter.

At the time of health screening, you may further discuss your selection with our team. It is important that you select your health screening tests with appropriate guidelines, information and advice available.

If you need to reschedule your health screening appointment, please email ask@minmed.sg.

If you have missed your health screening appointment, please email ask@minmed.sg to schedule an appointment at Minmed Health Screeners.

We recognize that health screening can take a variable period of up to 2 hours.

A timechit can be prepared on your request.

As health screening is done when you are well, we are unable to provide medical certificate for health screening visits.

No Fasting is required. If you have chosen the Ultrasound Abdomen test, fasting of 8 hours is necessary. Drinking of plain water is encouraged. You may continue to take your medication for chronic diseases (e.g Hypertension, cholesterol), only omit your diabetic medication until you have had your breakfast.

Please bring along:

– Identification

– NRIC/Work Permit/Passport

– Company letter, authorisation letter or staff pass (where available)

– Medical report and radiology films/reports from last health screening (where available)

See our pre-screening guide for more information. For instructions pertaining to specific tests, please see refer to specific tests under FAQ.

On arrival, we will verify your identity and registration in a contactless manner. Payment, where necessary will also be collected.

You may also be required to complete a pre-screening questionnaire prior to, or upon your arrival.

Clinical parameters (e.g. height, weight, blood pressure) will be taken.

Our staff will guide you through necessary stations in a safe and efficient manner.

The blood test will be conducted usually at the last station. Our phlebotomists are trained to ensure that your health screening is a comfortable one.

The screening process may take a variable 30 to 90 minutes.

Your health screening results will typically be available on the next working day, except for selected tests and/or imaging studies.

You will receive a notification via email once the results are ready. Kindly login to your account here.

Please note that your report is available only after you authenticate using an SMS OTP sent to your registered mobile number.

Your health screening is complete only with a doctor’s review. You may arrange an appointment for a teleconsult review here.

Your health screening is complete only with a doctor’s review. You are encouraged to make an appointment for complimentary teleconsult here.

Should you request a face-to-face consultation, please email ask@minmed.sg.

Here are a few pointers for your reference:

– No definite diagnosis may be made from test results alone, and test results should be correlated with your medical history and other clinical findings.

– Screening tests may carry limitations in the capacity to identify or rule out the presence or absence of a condition. Normal test results may not necessarily mean the absence of a medical condition.

– The majority (about 95%) of a normal population test results will fall within the normal range. About 5% of the normal population test results may be slightly above or below the normal level.

– It is an acceptable fact that a normal person’s test results may fluctuate at different times although still within the normal range. This occurrence may be due to diet or other factors.

X-ray or Ultrasound films are available at $25 (incl GST)


The Non-fasting Health Screening approach ensures that you can prioritize your health without sacrificing your comfort.

You can skip the need to plan around meal schedules or feel hungry and fatigued during the screening, and still get accurate results.

It also reduces the risk of hypoglycemia in patients with diabetes.

Yes they are, local studies have shown no significant differences between fasted and non-fasted blood samples for cholesterol levels. HbA1C for glucose monitoring is also a well-established test.

While it is not necessary to fast, we will advise avoiding alcohol or a heavy meal just before your blood test.

If you are going for a Treadmill Stress Test, certain blood pressure medications such as beta-blockers may need to be stopped prior to the test. You should not smoke or drink caffeinated drinks at least 3 hours before the test.

HbA1C is used to screen for diabetes. HbA1C tells us the blood glucose control over the last 3 months by measuring sugar molecules attached to your red blood cells. Concurrently, a non-fasted random blood glucose level is run. The normal cut-off for random blood glucose will be different from fasted blood glucose. 

If your random blood glucose or HbA1C is abnormal, you may be required to do fasting blood glucose to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes.

There should be no significant difference in your cholesterol levels between the fasted and non-fasted blood samples. The cholesterol levels would be interpreted as normal.

Abdominal Ultrasound requires at least 6 hours of fasting before the procedure.

If you are planning to go for an abdominal ultrasound, please ensure that you have fasted for the recommended time period before your scheduled appointment.

If your HbA1C is borderline or your random glucose is high, your doctor may advise you to do a fasting glucose to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes.

If your triglyceride level is extremely elevated, your doctor may advise you to do a fasted lipid panel.

Special Conditions

When pregnant, you will typically be seeing your obstetrician regularly for follow-up and antenatal care. Screening tests necessary (e.g. screening for gestational diabetes) will typically be conducted at your O&G clinic.

It is thus recommended that you do not undergo health screening with us when pregnant. If you do wish to, you are encouraged to only evaluate your lipid profile and fasting glucose.

Certain vaccinations may not be administered when you are pregnant. Please check with our doctors for suitability via teleconsult here.

If you are breastfeeding, it is acceptable to undergo health screening. However, this should not take place in lieu of or before your post natal follow up with your obstetrician.

It is acceptable to go for health screening when you are having your menses. However, kindly refrain from submitting your urine specimen when you are having your menses. It is advisable to wait till day 5 from the last day of your menstrual cycle for better accuracy.

Pap smear studies should not be conducted until after day 8 of menses.

CA 125 (Ovarian Tumor Marker) may be falsely elevated during menses, immediately before and immediately after menses. Aim to do the CA 125 (Ovarian Tumor Marker) test 1 week before or after your menses.

If you are feeling unwell, please postpone your health screening as it is an elective procedure.

You may email ask@minmed.sg to reschedule an appointment, whether it is at your office or at Minmed Health Screeners.

Specific Tests

Urine tests available may include urine dipstick, urine full examination and microscopic examination (UFEME) and urine microalbumin to creatinine ratio.

These tests involve the collection of a clean specimen of urine midstream. During the collection process, please collect the specimen in the bottle midway through the stream. Kindly avoid collecting the first drops of urine as they appear as this may cause the specimen to be contaminated by skin cells and affecting your results.

Kindly refrain from submitting your urine specimen when you are having your menses. It is advisable to wait till day 5 from the last day of your menstrual cycle for better accuracy.

The stool test tests for the presence of microscopic blood cells which may not be visible to the human eye.

When collecting the specimen, please use the spatula available in the lid of the container. A small specimen of stool is adequate for analysis.

Please note that specimens should be submitted to the clinic on the same day before 3pm (for weekdays) and 11am (for weekends).If your selected stool test is the conventional faecal blood test (non immunological), you are advised to abstain from consumption of meats 3 days before the study.

The Resting Electrocardiogram (ECG) test is conducted by our technicians to assess the electrical rhythm of your heart.

This test involves the placement of sticker electrodes on your chest as well as your limbs as you lie on the couch. This test typically takes 15 minutes.

Please wear a two-piece outfit to facilitate placement of the chest electrodes.

For your comfort, ECGs are conducted only by our female technicians.

The Treadmill Stress test or Cardiac Stress test involves the monitoring of the electrical rhythm of your heart as you exercise on a treadmill.

Whilst the test takes 30 to 45 minutes including preparation, the actual running time is typically less than 12 minutes.

The test is undertaken by a trained technician with a doctor within the same test premise. It is advisable that you have a light meal and abstain from caffeine prior to the test. Please wear comfortable walking/running shoes as well as a two-piece outfit. The latter is to facilitate placement of test electrodes on your chest.

Please bring a list of your current medication on the day of the study.

Ultrasound studies are a non-invasive way of evaluating soft tissues and organs as part of the health screening process.

If you are having an ultrasound examination of your abdomen, please fast for at least 6 hours. You are encouraged to drink at least 4 cups of water and avoid going to the toilet prior to ultrasound of the pelvis and/or prostate.

Please come in loose comfortable attire. The sonographer will apply a clear viscous gel to the area of examination.

An average study may take up to 30 minutes.As ultrasounds do not involve xrays, it is safe for pregnant and/or breastfeeding moms.

The Mammogram study is an evaluation of the breasts using xrays, and is recommended for ladies above 40 years of age.

Please wear a two-piece outfit and avoid the use of deodorant, lotion, perfume and talc on the day of the study. An optimum window for the test is within 2 weeks after menstruation.

The test will be conducted by our female radiographer. During the process, there will be light firm compression of your breasts which can be uncomfortable. This is unfortunately necessary for proper evaluation.

The mammogram is expected to take under 20 minutes.

Xrays involve the study of a limited body area for evaluation. Minmed uses a digital radiography solution which keeps the amount of radiation and the incidence of retakes as low as possible.

No preparation is necessary. Ladies who are pregnant or possibly pregnant are advised NOT to take X-ray tests, and must inform us before taking such tests.